We are returning from Lublin with a painful defeat!
Start Lublin played very offensively from the beginning. In the first half we were able to keep up with them and made up for the losses. After the first 20 minutes we were losing by only a point, which gave hope for the second half.
Although we started it really well, the hosts took advantage of our weaknesses and won the third quarter by 11 points. In the last part of the match, the Lublin offensive did not stop and consistently gave us points.
Ultimately we lost 84-111.
Today, the Dziki team scored:
Dominic Green 22 points
Nick McGlynn 19 pts 7 rebs
Matt Coleman 13 pts 8 aces
Michal Aleksandrowicz 11 points
Isaiah Crawley 9 pts
Grzegorz Grochowski 3 points
Ajare Sanni 2 points
Alan Czujkowski 2 points
Mateusz Bartosz 2 points
Piotr Pamuła 1 point
We would like to thank Dziki Towarzystwo, who supported our team in Lublin throughout the match.
Happy Christmas!